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This funny herd of sheep, I discovered at a foggy morning. :)
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Kritikker (28)
Jørn Tore K.

Trolsk belysning skaper undring og nyskjerrighet. Sauene skaper fin dybde i bildet og deres stilistiske form og bikk forsterker interessen for bildet. Bildet er litt ute av balanse da for mange sauer er samlet på venstre side. Du kunne med fordel ha tatt et skritt til venstre og hatt et litt lavere perspektiv..tror eg.
Bra bilde
Hilsen JTK
Geir F.

Bildet er flott, med en nærmest mytisk fargesjattering.
Blikket mitt blir fanget opp med sauen i forkant og leder blikket mitt innover i bildet. Dvs blikket mitt blir ledet nedenfra og oppover i bildeflaten.
Desverre så blir dett forstyrret ved bildets breddeformat. Jeg ville anbefalt en dramatisk kapping i høyredel av bildet, og også kappet bort et par av sauene til venstre.
Da vil den fremste sauen danne bildets midtakse og blikket blir ledet oppover i bildet på en renere måte.
Jeg tror du ved denne type bilde vil få bedre frem dets sterke side.

-geir f-
Kjell Ruben S.

I can’t agree with the other to comments regarding you’re choice of crop.
I really like the misty background in the photo, it enhances the form and positions of the sheep’s and the calm way they just disappear in the back of the photo. That produces a drag from the front to the back.

The tones and the different between light and dark is nice. You start and end the photo well I think. If the foreground was any lighter, it would take up to much attention.

With sincere regards

Kjell Ruben Strøm
steffen o.

I agree with Kjell, and I don't think you need to crop this, it works very well for me as it is, with the sheeps coming out of the left side of the photograph, but unlike him I would like to see the foreground just a tad brighter, to give the first sheep(s) a little bit more attention, not much.. Just enough so the first two sheeps legs stand out a bit more from the shadows.
But you do have a great picture here as it is now.
Avsluttet .

Her synes jeg alt stemmer. Jeg ville vurdert følgende tittel: ''Take me to your leader.'' :)
Egil S.

I hope you learn it......, Norwegian I mean.

Beautifull picture!
Sigrun F.

'Mange takk'' all, for your nice comments! :)
So, I can learn much more.
And yes, I hope, I will learn it. Norwegian.... :)

Hilsen, Sigi

Nils L.

This is definitely one of the better photos I have seen here in a long time. It is in a class far beyond most pics inn here.
No cropping. That would take the drama right out of it.
Very well done!

Nils :-)
Torild H.

I really enjoy looking at this shot. Two things; the attitude of the sheeps in the foreground, looking up to see you, and second the outstanding light in the background that makes this photo a heightened pleasure.
Good luck with your learning norsk!
Mvh. Torild
Avsluttet .

hi. thank you very much for the comment!

wow. I love this picture. the colours. everything. I like how the front sheeps looks at you and how the they come out of the fog. I don't think you need to crop this picture. this way, i think that it looks more mysterious. what is in behind the trees or in the fog. only the sheep knows. he he. very good :)

karoline :)
Georg K.

First image on Foto.No :) and a good one, great range of colour - all colours playing very nicely with this special mood - of an foggy morning.
No crop - also my opinion - the formation of this little herd makes a lot of sense - and the image needs the space in order make this clear.
Often I have observed sheep in exactly formation - one, two animals in front, while the rest is following in very much the way path - first single ones, in the middle a larger group - and a fewer slower ones in the end.
Nice with the kind of frame in the background - ending the image and centring the light behind the fog.
Even though the image has a romantic touch to it - I mainly like it for it's natural realism.
Nice entrance - nice photo - actually, a good photo.
Oda Lystrup H.

skummel og rar stemning.
nesten litt ringenes herre, bare i saueversjon:D
liker tonene og lyset.
bra etterbehandling.

Leif M E.

Fint fanget dette her. Synes også komposisjonen er fin. Det mystiske lyset i bakgrunnen får meg til å lure på hva som skjuler seg bak tåka, samtidig som flokkens ro bidrar til å ufarliggjøre situasjonen. Likte det meget godt.

Avsluttet .

850 tomler opp! Digg stemning i hele bildet. Synes ikke det gjør noe at temperaturen er ''gal'', det bare forsterker den tåkete, nesten skumle feelingen i bildet. Godt jobbet!
Avsluttet .

I belive the comments before me speaks for me and what I think!
A true beatuiful picture!
Åse H.

fantastic picture. the morning fog. a perfect setting for a fairy tale.

Wilfred B.

A perfect picture Sigrun. Nothing more to say.

Rasmus T.

I love this picture the ''odd'' Colures, the fog, the animals that dont look like they normely do :O) I can not say something bad about this fantastic picture

Arnstein S.

This is really a good picture. It reminds me so much of my childhood. Great atmosphere! Thank you!
Magnar B.

like your pictures! You have your own signature in the way you work with colours and light… I like these funny sheep… looks like they like you as well… you´ve got the attention of everyone of them… nice composition and light.
Anita I.

Ich finde Deine Arbeit in PS sehr gut. Machst Du Kursus für Norweger? Ich komme sehr gern nach D. und lerne. Super tolle Fotos von Dir.
Barbora H.

råtøft! utolig stilig uttrykk i sauene:)
MaiLis S.

Et nydelig og koselig bilde.mvh Mai-Lis.
Anette O.

A truly magnificent picture! I like the way you keep right side of the picture empty . I like the light, the expressions of the nearest sheep, and the leaves in the grass. Well done! :)

Espen S.

Very nice.....
Arne M.

Sauer er nysgjerrige dyr, hehe. Glimrende fanget. Digger stemningen i bildet.

- Arne
Øistein W.

Trolksk og eventyrlig.
Ellers et vanlig kvalitetsbilde fra deg som forventet.
Even E.

Hehe Fett :)
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