  • Canon EOS 350D
  • Canon EF 24-105mm 1:4 L IS USM
  • Brennvidde105mm
  • Blenderf/8
  • Lukker1/640s
  • Nei
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Relative clean and simple image concept. Also to place the reed not directly in the middle and get with this a lit more attention to the reflection of it, supports the overall impression of the image.
This what i name is very subjective so please take it also like this :-)

The reed can be more in the middle of the image (compare left and right side of the image).
The color of the water doesn't complement/fits perfectly to the color of the reed. Maybe a lit darker?
The water misses a bit contrast to accentuate the waves.
It would be interesting how it looks in B&W, maybe with a orange filter?
Such a print i would hang on my wall because of the minimalistic concept.

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