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Hehe, veldig bra humor. Får litt postman Pat animasjonsfølelse. Dette kunne du laget en veldig bra serie utav!
Øystein S.
Jeg har tatt en del allerede, og flere blir det, så en fotoserie skal du ikke se bort ifra.
Takk for synspunktet. Håper flere hiver seg på, gjerne med tips om hva de ville gjort annerledes.
Georg K.
sexy :) not bad at all - you got a good depth into the image - and the scene looks close and logical enough.
Only questionmark is the kind of very sudden difference between sharp and blurred on the roof-line to the left in the image - this seems to harsh, since following the line of the roof and not an logical depth in the room - other than this, I think it is a kind of rich and talkative composition - and the main subject stands well here.
Øystein S.
Thanks for the feedback Georg.
Actually I haven't been aware of the blurred part of the roof, but I was unsure on the blurred right part of the photo. With that said, I agree on your view, and F-stop above 13 should be considered.
Again, thanks for good feedback.
Kjetil Greger P.
Ta bilder av nakne damer i døråpningen slik som dette her ? Har du vurdert å bli paparazzi ??
Jeg må bare flire når jeg ser dette bildet :).
De uskarpe områdeneer helt OK for meg. Framhever bare resten av motivet.
Du må være logget inn for å kunne kommentere bildene på
Takk for synspunktet. Håper flere hiver seg på, gjerne med tips om hva de ville gjort annerledes.
Only questionmark is the kind of very sudden difference between sharp and blurred on the roof-line to the left in the image - this seems to harsh, since following the line of the roof and not an logical depth in the room - other than this, I think it is a kind of rich and talkative composition - and the main subject stands well here.
Actually I haven't been aware of the blurred part of the roof, but I was unsure on the blurred right part of the photo. With that said, I agree on your view, and F-stop above 13 should be considered.
Again, thanks for good feedback.
Jeg må bare flire når jeg ser dette bildet :).
De uskarpe områdeneer helt OK for meg. Framhever bare resten av motivet.