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Spesielt! Uvanlig fargebruk, men funker utrolig bra syns jeg. Får sånn gammel film følelse av dette. Liker bildet kjempegodt. Er horisonten litt skeiv eller?
Helene :)
Charlotte M.
Hehehe ja trur nok at alle mine horisonter er skeive:) Tusen takk for kommentaren;)
gokoz Mej:)
Georg K.
Somewhat tempting - wish you would share some of your secrets to explain how this was made.
( you know, some of us are plain simple guy's, and can't read the shutter speed, ISO rate etc. from the image )
The horizon is tilted - as mentioned before and obviously on purpose - which is fine for me, since it is adding a momentum of just now - and avoiding the appeal of an everlasting memorial.
Anyhow - the result is not too bad at all, a picture with a lot of attention-seeking appeal - pretty easy to walk in.
Amazing DOF - gives the image something I would call på Tysk - grandious - .
Word not used as superlative, just as expression of the impression - a great and wide picture with clear interest in the foreground - without ignoring the background, including this like a cinematic scene introduction.
Lot of dynamic, with a diagonal line ( something even I have learned ) - and the catching move of the first person - seems to be in contact with the camera, while the other two are untouched by the expected fame they will be part of.
Short - interesting, amusing, alive and different.
Charlotte M.
Hey Georg:) Its a slide picture, 100 iso, 1/350, 11. The picture is changed in photoshop, i used the ''hue and saturation'' to change the colors to yellow, i used mostly the ''hue''. Its easy when you know what to do:) tanks for the comment;)
Nils G.
Dette liker jeg godt. Nesten som et maleri. Jeg synes det fangende med en spennede dynamikk i hele billedflaten.
Sverre Farstad H.
Hei, Charlotte! Får en følelse av å se en dokumentar reportasje fra Asia når jeg ser dette bildet. Resultatet av det du har gjort er et både uvanlig og spennende bilde. Skjev horistont? Tja, det er kanskje det, men på sett og vis bidrar det her til å gi inntrykk av et gammelt fotografi. Kunne kanskje tenkt meg at personene var litt mer tydelige - men ikke for tydelige heller, for da ville nok noe av den spennende effekten forsvinne.
Mvh Sverre
Charlotte M.
Hei Sverre:) takk for det;)
Gokoz Charlotte:)
Du må være logget inn for å kunne kommentere bildene på
Helene :)
gokoz Mej:)
( you know, some of us are plain simple guy's, and can't read the shutter speed, ISO rate etc. from the image )
The horizon is tilted - as mentioned before and obviously on purpose - which is fine for me, since it is adding a momentum of just now - and avoiding the appeal of an everlasting memorial.
Anyhow - the result is not too bad at all, a picture with a lot of attention-seeking appeal - pretty easy to walk in.
Amazing DOF - gives the image something I would call på Tysk - grandious - .
Word not used as superlative, just as expression of the impression - a great and wide picture with clear interest in the foreground - without ignoring the background, including this like a cinematic scene introduction.
Lot of dynamic, with a diagonal line ( something even I have learned ) - and the catching move of the first person - seems to be in contact with the camera, while the other two are untouched by the expected fame they will be part of.
Short - interesting, amusing, alive and different.
Mvh Sverre
Gokoz Charlotte:)