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Kritikker (4)
Inger-Lise S.

Elegant,enkelt og stilrent.Heller ørlite mot høyre.Flott siluett,fine fargetoner.

mvh Inger-Lise
Nils L.

Dette likte jeg godt. Stilig bilde.

Nils :-)
Georg K.

Yepp - that's the way it is - like Nils said .
One of the views sometimes come across when moving around - and somehow to me it is satisfying to see someone actually taking such pictures - instead of just thinking them
(Chinese self-critic)
The combination of natural, attractive light and artificial, the very concrete shapes and the more chaotic ones of the clouds - the break of balance by the lights on top - that's all nothing of extreme sensational pats, elements or settings - but good composed - and used like an valid isolation, able to communicate something about the twilight hours - and attractive as a photography .
Fred S.

Du er flink med macro, men jeg velger dette. Passe sært på en finurlig måte, og også en anelse absurd sci-fi preg over det hele. Fin komp.

vh fred
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