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Stiøig landskap med flotte linjer, behagelig for øyet dette.
john-arne w.

Utrulig flott dette her, fine linjer, flott landskap og flott himmel. Fin balanse mellom himmel og landskap. Spesielt med den linja, oppå sandyna, som går ifra ifra venstre mot høyre gjør at du får ett øyepunkt å følge.

Ellers etter noen (mange) dager med regn har vi nu fått snø, -2 og som du vet, småsurt med tanke på østavinden. Hæls kjente og kos dæ.

hilsen john...
Avsluttet .

Lines, the tonal contrast and the wide view corresponding really good together. Your choice of B&W gives the image something magical. The different shades of gray in the foreground also represents, in my eyes, very good the intermittent movement of the sand.
I can see very few what i don't like. The first (and only) thing what was disturbing me a lit was on the top the dark left corner. It gives the image a heavy weighting to this side.
Also the using of a wider view would maybe better, but this is very subjective.
I could not find some information about the focal length you was using but it looks something like 35-50 mm. If it's on this then i think with a wide angel lens/view you would enhance/support the expression/concept.
The middle to the top of the dune is also nearly in the same zone as the clouds. This looks for me a lit unnatural. Maybe a tonal correction of the (nearly) white parts of the dune would helping.
It is a shame that foto.no not allowed image in higher sizes in the gallery. This is one of the images which i would like to see in the original size or as a print.
Nice seen and done.

kåre l.

thank you for your very nice comment thomas :)
5d mk2 camera, 24-105 lens, 65mm here.
i did not bring my 35mm 1,4 :( wish i did!
and yes, when i do get home i will try and adjust those points you made, and print it big :)
i partly converted this photo in cs5 with the silver efex 2 plugin.
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