Jente i solnedgang
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Kritikker (4)
Georg K.

Extremely hard not to fall for this image - all ingredients a soul-pleasing image needs, are there.
But it would be too easy, and probably not even fair, trying to categorise it this way - for different reasons I would like to see, watch and understand this image also as an expression of the one who has created it.
When going away from what is visible - sun-set light, accomplishing in it's colours the main subject, the little girl in white - than there is also something I emphasise as important - the fact that this little girl, from our point of view exotic girl, is pictured in a fashion which is not trying to gain attraction from the different, since exotic setting, but picturing her in a composition which has a wider human approach to it.
The way this image is presented - it is purely this specific person supposed to be pictured, and not the person as part, ambassador, governor or symbol for a wider or more narrow view of an other community, country etc.
It is just this girl, it is just her reaction on the camera - and the view, creating an image filled with a harmony - or beauty, reflecting also the personal impression this face is able to spread - as an individual human face.
In this sense it is a photo of artistically nature - while it works as well as portrait and composition of harmony.
In more technical terms I think it deserves respect for the incl. depth, the imagination of space. The result of what I believe was created by a flash against the ''møtleys'', the sparkling elements on her dress and the almost perfect flow of warm tones against the white of the dress.
I like this photo very much - it has an overall warm, friendly and close touch - and is still just an image of a child in the evening sun.
I think you can, and should be satisfied with this one.
Erlend B.

Et flott portrett! Stemningsfullt - pene toner.

Mvh. Erlend
Inger Anne Maritsdotter V.

Virkelig et godt bilde der du formidler ei blid og trygg jente,
prikken over i`en var jo solnedgangen.
mvh IAV
Nikolai E.

Bra portrett, du har behersket motlyset meget fint. Som Georg, antyder, har du brukt utfyllingsblitz og det redder kontrasten i forhold til den lyse bakgrunnen. Fint å få med glintet i øynene. Formatet er ypperlig. Det jeg ikke liker er den hvite solskiven, den tar litt oppmerksomhet fra ansiktet. Jeg ville rett og slett hatt klonet den bort.
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