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Avsluttet .

Passer veldig godt med tåke her. Fine farger. Fint med strømledningen innover i bildet. Bilen distraherer litt.

Du kunne kanskje rettet opp veggene i PS.
Georg K.

A motif with potential - when looking at the rust running down the formerly white wall - the old fashion style of construction, shape of windows - absolute.
Taking the image in misty, foggy weather seems also a tempting idea.

To my mind - you have too much in this image.

When you look on the details on hand - main attraction really is building in the middle - with the wires attached.
This is the part I would suggest to concentrate on, leaving the building to the left and the right out of this image at least.
Not knowing how exactly the location looks like - I think it would have been one idea to get more of the foreground into the image - the grey ground works well with the overall impression - plus you might add more perspective instead of a dead on spot shot.
Guiding lines could be taken from the electrical wires running towards the house - delivering a great image of an abandoned, old fashion style building with a romantic - positive touch.

Location, building, tone and idea is good - at least in my mind - but some more isolation of the main idea would cause certainly a more convincing result.

Therese Røyset H.

takk for tilbakemeldingen :-) har ikke et godt nokk bilderedigerings program ennå, så bilen får bare stå så lenge :-)

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